A Beautiful Authority

Can I ask you a question?
Does the pull of worldly advice feel like it's winning the battle for your heart right now?
Are you so desperate for affirmation and answers that point you towards hope in your struggles that you’re beginning to look in the wrong places?

In todays literary world we have the blessing of so many biblically sound books available to us. They help us navigate through life and grow as believers (I’m sure we could all name a long list of favourites!). They provide us with testimonies and insight we may not have come to realize easily on our own. They give us context for the battles that rage and motivation for the journey. Despite the endless number of these impactful resources, we cannot afford to neglect time in the greatest book of stories ever written, the bible. I love the fact that it’s actually one big true story and you and I are a part of the continuation of God’s story for humanity! Amazing.

It can be so hard to look beyond what is painful and keep our eyes focused on what is good, lovely and true especially when the world feels chaotic and burdensome. As believers in the risen Jesus we are not only called but equipped to do just that. Meditating on God's promises and His faithfulness tethers our hearts to His and provides us with a foundation that is unshakable, even in the roughest of storms.  In His word we are provided with complete instructions on how we can, through our obedience, avoid sin and the despair it brings. 

As people naturally bent on being our own masters, we rarely submit fully to the authority around us. This is largely because we know that earthly authorities often fail. Even the most well intentioned leaders and professionals can make mistakes and disappoint us. While there are many who do use their power for evil purposes, there are also many with good intentions that make error such as the doctor providing a wrong medical diagnosis or a judge issuing an unfair verdict. Sadly this reality in our world makes us hesitant to adhere to any authority over us, and often that even includes God himself.

The devastating problem here is that God’s authority is meant to provide us with life, abundant LIFE, yet we resist the callings and commands that He gives because we are cautious and untrusting. We hesitate, withhold and question as the innate desire to reign on the throne of our own hearts wages war on our minds constantly. This is why we have to remind ourselves daily of His faithfulness throughout history, his promises that never fail and the perfect love which he has offered us freely through Jesus. What does He ask for in return? Our joyful and sincere obedience.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in not only the book of Psalms but the entire bible. It is a celebration of God’s law and magnifies the kindness of God in the provision of these statutes and decrees! The psalmist has seen the goodness of the Lord in his life continuously and delights in his growing knowledge of the Lord. We see his understanding that any way of life outside the good boundaries God has provided leads to death, not life abundant and He knows that submitting his ways to the Lord is where he will experience the highest level of peace and joy available to us in this earthly life!

“Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.”
(verse 73)
“May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant.”
(verse 76)
“To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless.” (verse 96)
“Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies.” (verse 98)
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (verse 105)
“Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.” (verse 111)

Psalm 119 is so rich in these acknowledgements of God’s law being one of refuge and strength. It’s gives us hope and peace for the journey ahead. We can see ourselves so clearly in the inward battle of the writer of the psalms and in his desire for more of God’s presence. He experiences moments of weakness and sin and then laments in his struggle to understand why He does what he knows is wrong. As he laments he speaks the truth of who he has known God to be and continues on and that is exactly why we’ve been given the Word! It points us back to the gospel again and again, giving us hope and trustworthy directives to press on!

God knows the deficiencies of our hearts and yet has provided us a complete manual for living a holy life. The problem is that many of us choose everything else first. Wisdom from the popular online speaker, a podcast, even our current 5 minute daily devotional can be prioritized over opening the powerful, unchangeable Word of God. These things are not inherently bad at all but if they are what we believe to be our main source of spiritual milk, we’ll be neglecting the one thing we’ve been promised will never fail.

As the New Year begins, let’s remember together that we only need the Holy Spirit as our guide when we open the book of ancient words that are ever true. All other resources are a bonus! Meditating on God’s word brings life to our weary bones and they change us as we allow Him to mold us into His likeness. As we make our hearts obedient to the only One who will never break our trust, a foundation for living is built that cannot be destroyed.


Suggestion for spiritual growth in 2025:

Ask a friend (or a few) to read through a book of the bible with you!
Take an hour or two every week to meet together and discuss what you’re learning.

Join a women’s bible study at your local church (make sure they’re studying the Word, not just a popular book!)

Think of someone in your life that might love scripture read aloud to them like the elderly or chronically ill and ask if you can bless them in that way! You grow alongside them as you read.


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