Why  on anxiety, depression and OCD?

As a mom of 4 who has experienced all 3 at different seasons of my life I understand how scary it can be to have thoughts that feel intrusive and unwanted. A few months after the birth of our youngest child in 2017, I battled a severe case of postpartum anxiety and ocd. It brought on so much shame and I was scared and so desperate for help.
During my recovery I felt a clear calling to help other mothers find biblically sound encouragement and resources and in 2019, with the help of my supportive husband, I launched the Knowing Motherhood podcast! This resource, which offers stories of painful experiences in motherhood and the hope and healing only God can provide, has reached listeners all over the globe.
Still I’ve never forgotten how desperate I was to find out if other mothers were dealing with the same frightening symptoms I had. The day I landed on a website that made me feel seen was one I will never forget. There they were, other women struggling and hurting and I finally felt seen!
The only problem was that many of the stories shared didn’t hold the hope of the gospel that I knew to be so real. I heard every bit of their pain but didn’t sense that there was any biblical truth to ground my chaotic mind to.